How Reps Find and Attract Top-Notch Manufacturers


A rep once said: “There’s more to getting good lines than just sitting in the boat with your mouth open, hoping a fish will jump in.”

Fish jumpingThe truth of those words was never illustrated better than when Agency Sales went looking for reps who found the magic way to get, attract and keep quality lines. The fact is, there is no magic. All it takes is hard work at best, mixed with being in the right place at the right time, and a little bit of luck.

Consider how a number of independent manufacturers’ representatives responded to questions concerning how … Read the rest

Conducting the Search for the Best Principal


Whether it’s an agency that’s just starting out, one that needs to fill out its line card under pressure or another that is simply looking for the most effective way to grow the business, the question remains: “How do I find the lines that will allow me to prosper?”

fishingThere’s no simple answer to that question — no one size fits all — but it’s been asked often enough that MANA has tried its best to provide answers via Agency Sales magazine over the years.

Among the many considerations that any rep should have when it comes to finding, attracting … Read the rest

Just The Facts


Years ago there was a television police show called Dragnet. Whenever a witness or a suspect would get off track or offer a little too much useless information, the hero, Detective Joe Friday, would say, “Just give me the facts.”

This came to mind recently when a manufacturer was copied on an e-mail that a customer sent to a rep. Evidently, like so many business people today, the customer is used to getting swamped with calls and information from all sorts of salespeople —except one. Here’s how the e-mail reads: “Just wanted to drop you a note to thank you … Read the rest