Change, growth and adaptation to the needs of its members are what come to mind as Helen Degli-Angeli, CPMR, looks back on her three-decade tenure with MANA. In addition to the vice president position she currently occupies, during her career Degli-Angeli also has served as editorial assistant for Agency Sales, been in charge of advertising, information services, membership and filled the role as MANA seminar coordinator.
The longest-tenured member of the MANA staff, Degli-Angeli currently fills a number of roles in her executive position including:
- Supervises the MANA office staff.
- Meets regularly with other MANA managers and the MANA Board to update and execute the association’s strategic plan.
- Oversees the association’s computer operations, including its website (, and accounts payable.
- Participates in counseling calls for MANA members.
- Participates in and presents MANA seminars and various educational programs.
- Plans, implements and participates in various association initiatives (e.g., Study Missions to China).
As she considers the changes that MANA has undergone during her stay, Degli-Angeli cites the move toward professionalism as one of the most important. “I’d say that 30 years ago the association effort was aimed at providing various affinity programs that could save members money when it came to things like insurance, automobile leasing, etc. Today, association efforts point to making the rep ‘a businessperson in sales vs. a salesperson who is in business.’”
Indicative of the association’s move to encourage its members to better educate themselves and become more professional, Degli-Angeli has achieved the CPMR designation. CPMR, administered by MRERF, remains the premier educational program available to independent manufacturers’ representatives.
Degli-Angeli maintains that this emphasis on education and professionalism is probably the most beneficial asset they now provide the membership.
Finally, when it comes to what she thinks the membership — both reps and manufacturers — ought to make more use of in terms of what MANA offers, she doesn’t hesitate when she says “everything.”
According to Degli-Angeli, “MANA has so much to offer its constituents. It’s a shame when they don’t make use of everything that’s available to them. I know firsthand that not enough of them call in for ‘counseling’ sessions with MANA managers, and surely not enough manufacturers or reps sign up for the seminars and educational programs available to them. And, while Agency Sales remains one of the association’s greatest assets, I know that both reps and their principals would gain so much more if they read it carefully every month.”