How up-to-date on technology are you? Have you ever heard anyone say, “I’m utilizing my technology tools — 100%?” I think most of us understand and utilize our tools at a rate less than 50%. There are a few of you that know and use all of the features of your phone and PDA, and are smarter than the help desk for Microsoft Office.
The important thing, however, is that you know and use the technology that makes you do your job better.
We live in a world of rapid technology change, and it’s important to embrace the appropriate tools that make you more efficient at meeting the needs of your customers. You need to upgrade your tools as well as upgrade your knowledge, through education and training on new software, tools and systems.
As reps, you need to become communication experts. You may think you ‘sell products,’ but your real job is to move information between the customer and the factory. The best reps move information rapidly and reliably.
E-this and E-that — E-verything is available on the internet. The internet of yesterday was a place for us to go and find information and/or solve a problem. Today it’s all about participation and collaboration. It’s about social networks and getting information and advice from thousands of user-experts, rather than from just one source.
The important technology and communication tools for reps are fairly simply these:
- Cell phone
- Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
- Computer
- Your website
Make sure you know them inside and out, and use them to the max. And remember, the internet will never replace face-to-face selling — sales is still a contact sport.
So stop “cerfing” and go sell something!