MAC March Meeting Report

Tom Hayward, Steve McLemore and Chris Schnetzer

Left to right: Tom Hayward of United Sales Associates, Steve McLemore of The Goering Center for Family & Private Business, and Chris Schnetzer, president of MAC and owner of CAT Equipment.

At the March luncheon, 25 members of Manufacturers’ Agents of Cincinnati (MAC) were fortunate to have Steve McLemore of The Goering Center as guest speaker. McLemore has extensive experience in the business community, and his discussion on the “10 Best Practices of Successful Family and Private Businesses” was timely and very well received.

Cincinnati is fortunate to have a resource like The Goering Center — a not-for-profit whose mission is to nurture and educate family and private businesses to drive a vibrant economy.

For information on future MAC meetings visit their website at

MAC meeting

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