Looking for a Way to Network With Fellow MANA Members?

image of a network

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The past year and a half saw a radical change in how we communicate with each other. As time goes on do not expect to go back to the way things used to be. Instead, look forward to new and improved ways to communicate with each other. In addition to person-to-person meetings, members will use a variety of online platforms, not only to build and strengthen customer relationships, but to network with fellow manufacturers’ representatives.

In the first decade of the 21st century, MANA members met through local chapter meetings, about two dozen scattered around the U.S. and even in Canada. When members got too busy to take time to attend meetings, chapters disappeared.

As an alternative, MANA now offers a private (members only) LinkedIn group where members network with each other. You want feedback on a question you have about a specific issue on working with principals or manufacturers’ representatives? Post it on the MANA LinkedIn Group page. It requires a minimal amount of time and you can read the feedback on your phone with the LinkedIn app.

We encourage you to visit the MANA LinkedIn group and start networking with fellow members when you need their feedback or can help them with their issues. Participating in this manner also creates a sense of community.

If you are a MANA member but not part of the MANA LinkedIn group, please email Jerry Leth at [email protected] and just type “LinkedIn” in the subject line. He will send you an invitation to connect and once you do, you will get an invite to join the group.

For information on MANA and membership visit the website at www.MANAonline.org.

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