It is possible to land almost any account: all that’s needed is the right plan, consistency, and persistence. Of course, before you can land that big account, you have to get in the door. This article will tell you how to get an introduction to the key person or people at that major account. Next month I’ll tell you how to land that big account and keep it for life.
Note: Even if you sell to individuals vs. businesses, you will still pick up some ideas here. After all, even at the largest companies on the planet, you’re dealing with people, not steel and concrete.
Steps to Get Their Attention
- Step 1: Pick several people to target at the account.
You’re in a much better position if you have two or three people you can go after in an account. You don’t want too many, as that can get complicated and time-consuming. Also, there are usually only a few key decision-makers at any organization. The key point to understand is that it is easier to get in the door if you have two or three people you can go after as opposed to only one.
- Step 2: Complete research on the people and the company you’re targeting.
Use Google searches, social media, people you know who know the people and company you’re targeting, and other resources to learn as much as you can about the people you want to meet and their company. Find out what clubs, groups, and organizations the people are involved in, what their interests are, and where they like to hang out. Also, find out something about their professional career, where they grew up and have lived in the past, and where they went to school. Next, gather information on the company. Learn their history along with statistics and demographics. What groups and organizations are they involved in or tied to? Also, what are their strengths and weaknesses and biggest issues? What have been major events or turning points in the company? What challenges are they facing that could give you a foot in the door?
- Step 3: Develop a plan to meet the key people.
Use the information you’ve gathered to find areas of commonality and subjects that you can use to open a conversation. Obviously if you went to the same school, or share some hobbies or interests, those are great ice breakers. In addition, you want to find a family member, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance that knows the key people and can introduce you to them. The average person knows 250 people and it truly is a small world. Someone you know knows your target people well. It’s just a matter of finding that person.
Now that you know what groups and organizations they belong to, where they go to lunch, play golf, or otherwise hang out, you can frequent those locations, go to events, attend meetings, and join the same organizations.
One great way to get noticed is to either conduct business with the company you’re trying to get into or get other people to conduct business with them. If you do, of course, make sure they know about it. Being a customer and sending them business can be a big foot in the door. Another idea is to send congratulatory notes on positive news items about them and/or their company. In addition, you can pass along gifts, cards, books related to their areas of interest, and other items you send to your current customers.
How can you show them value before they use you? Are there any reports you can create, work you can do, or items you can give them that will highlight what you can do for them?
What company developments or challenges can you address head-on that you and your company can solve? How can you be of major benefit to them and their business?
You can also try the following creative ideas:
- Start using some of the same vendors the target company uses such as website developers, plumbers, electricians, printers, etc., and ask for an “in” to the target company and people.
- Set up or sponsor an event and invite them.
- Volunteer at some of the events or for some of the same organizations they are involved with.
- Send them cookies, candy, or fruit. Send a plastic skeleton with your card: “This is me waiting for you to call me back” (not to be used with Analytics), helium balloons with a note (make sure the ceilings aren’t too high), and cell phones with a note and your number programmed in.
- Advertise directly to them in industry publications or the local press.
- Send tickets to sporting events or gift cards to restaurants.
Okay, you may have to ask me about some of these, but the bottom line is: you can get pretty creative at getting people’s attention and getting in the door. If you have a solid plan and put in the time, effort, and energy, you will get in. Next month, how to land that big account.