Tips to Improve Your Online Presentation Skills


As the restrictions related to COVID-19 begin to lift, I would imagine many of us are eager to begin meeting our customers face‑to‑face.

Zoom calls have become the norm, and perhaps many of us can’t wait until this is no longer our only means of communicating with our clients. Given the financial strain many companies are experiencing, however, it is possible that this dream of a zoom-less world is not realistic. So given this, I decided to do some research to learn how to improve my online presentation skills.

As with any presentation, whether it is in person or virtual, … Read the rest

Reps Need to Educate Manufacturers on the Value Reps Provide in the Field


The wants and needs of a manufacturer and the manufacturers’ representative are aligned: drive revenue, increase profits and manage costs; however, the rep’s role goes beyond these common goals. It is understood that hiring a representative who is paid solely on a commission basis is a cost-effective alternative to marketing and selling any product, but hiring a manufacturers’ representative gives you a lot more bang for the buck.

Reps are marketers. They market their manufacturers’ products through various means. Representing more than one line, especially when complementary, opens doors and creates a synergy that can result in leverage for all … Read the rest