Editorial…In the Field


Mel is back!

Long-term MANA members will remember receiving Mel Daskal’s monthly Financial Fax newsletter. I’m sure that those who are acquainted with it will be delighted to know that Financial Fax will appear as a regular column in future issues of Agency Sales magazine. The first column actually appeared in last month’s issue in case you missed it.

If you’re new to Financial Fax, you will soon learn that you won’t want to miss a single issue, and you’ll probably find yourself passing your copy of Agency Sales along for others to read.

In addition to the return of Financial Fax, two of Mel’s most sought-after publications are also now available as MANA Special Reports: The Valuation and Sale of an Entire Manufacturers’ Sales Agency and Selling Part of Your Rep Firm to Your Employees or Partners. They are available individually, or as companion publications to MANA’s Special Report: Valuing the Rep Firm.

Selling or buying a rep firm can be one of the largest financial transactions you will make in your professional career. Experience shows that the process is littered with pitfalls, even when the transaction is between the best of friends or partners or family members. It behooves you to learn all you possibly can about the process before you begin. If you are contemplating selling or buying a rep firm, I strongly recommend that you purchase and read whichever (or both) of Mel’s publications that fits your situation, in addition to MANA’s Valuing the Rep Firm. You can find an order form on the MANA website at www.MANAonline.org; click on the “Publications” link, and select “MANA Special Reports.”

End of article
  • photo of Jay Ownby

Jay Ownby past member of the MANA executive staff, following 20 years of sales and marketing management experience in the electronics industry, including ownership of a manufacturers’ rep firm. As a rep, Jay was a MANA member for more than 10 years and served on both regional and national Boards of Directors for the Electronics Representatives Association (ERA). Jay holds a BS degree in chemistry and an MBA in marketing and finance. He is MANA’s Director of Strategic Alliances and his responsibilities include serving as Executive Director for both the Power-Motion Technology Representatives Association (PTRA) and MANA’s Capital Equipment Special Interest Group.