Sell Out Crowd for “How to Value and Sell a Rep Firm” Presentation at April Mac Meeting

MAC meeting April 2018Manufacturers’ Agents of Cincinnati (MAC) had a sell-out crowd April 13 for MANA President and CEO Charles Cohon’s presentation, “How To Value and Sell a Rep Firm.”

“More and more manufacturers are basing rep choices not just on projected sales performance, but also on their comfort level with rep firms’ long-term plans to maintain continuity when the primary owner retires,” noted MAC when announcing this event. “In this session, Charley will discuss how retiring owners can value and sell their firms, and what prospective buyers will look for in a succession and buyout plan.”

Other representative associations that are interested in having a MANA presentation for their group can reach MANA by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling (877) 626-2776.

For information on future MAC meetings visit their website at

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