The Most Important Character Traits of Successful Salespeople


We know there are many character traits that determine long-term sales success or failure. That said, I find there are two key traits that really separate the cream of the crop from everyone else.


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Trait #1: Extreme Ownership

The most successful salespeople take complete ownership of everything in their life — and I do mean everything. From sales numbers all the way to car accidents, they see themselves as ultimately in control of, and responsible for, anything related to getting their job done and meeting obligations. In this way they are empowered so that when something goes wrong, they can immediately grab the bull by the horns and do what they have to in order to remedy the situation. They don’t spend time complaining, playing the victim, or throwing their hands up in a “what’s the use, it’s out of my control” fashion. I’ve seen the best salespeople overcome weather, power outages, tornadoes, car accidents, trips to the hospital, and almost everything else you can imagine, to make sales calls and hit their numbers. If you have a meeting scheduled with them and the world is coming to an end, you can bet everything you own that they’ll be there.

Top salespeople are committed to and completely accountable to their clients, their family, themselves, their company and co-workers, and everyone else they come into contact with. They are hard workers and self-starters and have the willingness to push themselves harder than anyone else can possibly push them. If you tell them to make 20 calls, they’ll make 30. If you tell them they’re going to have to work nights and Saturdays, not only will they do that, they’ll also be the first one in in the morning and they’ll work Sundays too. You don’t need to look over their shoulder to make sure they’re doing what they should be doing. They understand they have an obligation to their clients, and to the company that pays them, to go above and beyond put in maximum effort.

Top producers are completely sold on their product to the point which, if it’s one they themselves can own, they do, along with their family and friends. They have conviction and are passionate about helping others while at the same time saving people from the competition who at best, will not take as good of care of them as they will and, at worst, will even take advantage of them. They have a willingness to go far above and beyond for prospects and clients and will do anything and everything to win fairly and ethically.

Top producers understand that success is completely up to them. They take complete ownership, extreme ownership, reminding themselves that they are 100 percent responsible for their success. If they fail, they own it. Everything begins and ends with them. They don’t blame anyone or anything outside of themselves. You won’t hear them complaining about the competition being cheaper, the supposed bad market for their product, or the new industry regulations. They know that even in the toughest of conditions, someone is thriving, and they’re determined it’s going to be them. You also won’t hear them blaming outside forces for a lost sale, past failure, or anything else that has put them in their present position in life.

Trait #2: Extreme Drive and Determination

The best are extremely driven and determined. They know why they are doing what they are doing and they know who and what they are doing it for. They know that the super stars aren’t super-human, they are average, flawed individuals just like the rest of us. The difference is they’ve found a reason, a purpose within them, that gets them up early, keeps them up late, and keeps the fire of motivation and determination burning brightly within them and they use it to outwork everyone.

The champions are like extreme athletes when it comes to dedication, commitment and preparation. They make do-or-die commitments. They do whatever it takes to make their dreams and vision a reality and are willing to fight, or even die, for what they believe in. Top producers realize that there is no such thing as get-rich-quick or overnight success. They know that you must pay the price for success in advance and they do. They are willing to suffer and put in lots of work and they don’t require immediate rewards or payoff. They are willing to work like no one will for three, five, or ten years or more, to live the rest of their life like no one can.

Top salespeople understand that one of the biggest enemies of long-term success is the comfort zone, which can cause us to lose our fire. To defend against this the great ones create a mission statement that is so magnificent that they need to constantly be growing and expanding in order to fulfill it. They also surround themselves with people who continually challenge them and force them to grow. From time to time they assess their values and what’s really important to them because they understand that priorities change as we go through life. They continue to make larger, grander goals and plans so as they approach the achievement of one goal, they have a bigger one keeping their motivation strong.

Finally, the best understand that, yes, sheer will and determination will pretty much overcome any obstacle and take you anywhere you want to go in life. They apply that will and determination at a level that few humans are willing to match. They decide on a goal and then cut off all avenues of escape. They burn the boats behind them. They made the decision to climb the mountain knowing they are either getting to the top, or they are dying on the side of the mountain, but they are not coming down, they aren’t quitting. It’s all-or-nothing, do-or-die.

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  • photo of John Chapin

John Chapin is a motivational sales speaker and trainer. For his 5-Steps to Sales Success report and monthly newsletter, or to have him speak at your next event, go to: Chapin has more than 32 years of sales experience as a number-one sales rep and is the author of the 2010 sales book of the year: Sales Encyclopedia (Axiom Book Awards). Email: [email protected].