I’ve been in sales for more than 30 years and I love it now more than ever.
That definitely wasn’t my attitude when I started out. So why do I love it so much, and now even more than before?
Let me walk you through 10 things I love about sales — which ones resonate with you?
1. Helping People Achieve Things
My definition of sales is helping others see and achieve what they didn’t think was possible. That’s what I love about sales. I get to help others make the impossible possible. And I get to do that every day.
2. Meeting New People
It’s crazy, but when I’m prospecting, when I’m on the phone with people, when I get together with people in person, I’m always meeting new people.
That makes me excited, because I love people. Salespeople (should) love people. That’s why they’re in sales.
3. Learning New Things
This morning, I was on the call with a potential customer, and they were sharing with me about their industry, and I couldn’t help but think what I did was right. When I hung up the phone with them, I had research to do. I googled to find more information about their industry.
I’m continuously learning new things. Of course, it’s great for my intellect, but it also helps my customers because I become more knowledgeable. And the more knowledgeable I become, the more they respect me, my expertise, and the more they want to do work with me.
4. Understanding Human Behavior
People come in all shapes, sizes and walks of life. They do all kinds of crazy different things. But what I like about sales is understanding human behavior. Because there are times when I call people or connect with people and they don’t want to talk to me, and they may sound off to me in one way or another. On the other hand, there could be somebody whom I am totally engaged with.
But what does that do? I believe it helps me be better. I can learn something from every human interaction, and as salespeople we have a lot of them. When something works with a customer, or totally flops, I can take that and apply it to my next conversation.
5. Challenges Each Day
Right now, I’m in the midst of several challenges trying to figure out how I can make these solutions work for clients. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle, and I get to put it together. I get to work on it every day.
Does every challenge work out right? No, but you know what? Every challenge I work on, I get to learn from. That’s absolutely huge.
6. Observable Results
There aren’t many professions in which you can see exactly how you’re doing, and the impact you’re having. Did the customer buy from you, or not? Did the customer do what you told them to do, or not?
For so many jobs, you go through the mundane activity, and you never really know if you’re making a difference. Not this job! In sales you get to see your results.
7. My Future in My Hands
I control my destiny. Sales can happen anywhere.
I was just talking on the phone with a salesperson who used to live in Nashville and then a couple of years ago with the pandemic, he said, “Forget it, I got tired of Nashville.” They moved an hour out of town to a farm and they love it.
You see, I get to make key decisions for my life, for my career. Recently, I moved from Omaha, Nebraska to Dallas, Texas. I get to control my destiny because so much of what we get to do is remote, and that’s wonderful.
8. Adrenaline Rush
You know what’s funny? We all like a little level of stress. We really do. I confess, I like it when the pressure’s on.
“…I have to get this deal in by the end of the day.”
Today I’m in the midst of a number of deadlines and I’ve got to stay on task. But then when I get done with it, I think, “Hey, that was cool. I succeeded.”
9. The Financial Rewards
Let’s talk about money!
Depending on the position you’re in and what you do, there’s an unlimited amount of money you can earn. And that’s what’s cool because I see salespeople making $30,000 a year and other salespeople making $300,000 a year. Some salespeople are making $100,000 a year, and other salespeople a million dollars a year.
The financial rewards are excellent.
10. It Sure Beats Doing Anything Else!
Over the years, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to leave, but I’ve always wanted to stay in sales because you know what? It beats doing anything else.
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