Bob Died. What Now?


You picked up the local newspaper and Bob Jones,* a gentleman you have known for years through business, died of a heart attack. Bob had been a good salesman, operated his own rep agency, and you know that he had done well financially. He had a large home, belonged to a nice country club, and had educated his three kids in private schools. You didn’t know too much about his rep agency, but you know he had his business for 30 years. At 64 years old, you would have expected Bob had been looking toward retirement. He had seemed to

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What Reps Want for Christmas From Their Principals


While the following article arrived too late for inclusion in the December issue, its message is one that has somewhat of a timeless value.

A long-time national sales manager called our office recently and asked for a sales forecast for the upcoming year. After some careful thought, I almost wanted to call back and ask the same sales manager what his company was going to do for our office to help us increase sales in the New Year. Isn’t it a two-way street anyway?

As a multi-product (more than one principal) representative, we must always be careful not to show … Read the rest